One of the most valuable collections of parade weaponry and costumes

in Residenzschloss

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[Translate to English:] Intro

The Dresden Rüstkammer shines with ornate armours, firearms, swords and sabres decorated with valuable metals, as well as with magnificent garments and riding gear. Having come from the possessions of the Saxon dukes and electors, the collection is considered one of the most valuable collections of parade weaponry and costumes in the world, and, with approximately 13,000 items, it is also one of the largest.

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Power & Fashion

Parade weapons and costumes that belonged to the Electors of Saxony in the Renaissance and early Baroque periods can now be admired in Dresden under the joint title "Power & Fashion", featuring objects that are almost unmatched anywhere in the world.

Explore the Electoral Wardrobe

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The oldest collection of the complex

Some of the pieces were commissioned by the rulers and crafted by their own court tradesmen, while many were purchased or received as gifts. These were the circumstances in which one of the most significant collections of parade weaponry and costumes in Europe was amassed. 

History of the Collection

Gemälde: älterer Mann im Gewand, stützt sich auf einem Stab

From our Online Collection

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