Foto von vier Dolchen
© SKD, Foto: Jürgen Karpinski

Precious Ceremonial Weapons from the Rüstkammer displayed in August the Strong’s Jewel Room in 1728

This special exhibition presents the ornate ceremonial weapons – including the Saxon electoral sword as well as precious rapiers, daggers, sword hangers and spurs – which August the Strong selected from the Kurkammer (Electoral Chamber), part of the Rüstkammer (Armoury), in 1728 for permanent display in the Juwelenzimmer (Jewel Room) of the Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault), where they remained until 1913/14. These were the most valuable, dynastically significant and artistically outstanding 16th and 17th-century edged weapons among the arms and armour that had been handed down by successive generations of Saxon Electors.

  • DATES 09/07/2014—06/10/2014


These precious weapons decorated with gold, silver, coloured enamel, rock crystal and gemstones were exhibited in the Grünes Gewölbe alongside the King’s latest jewel garnitures. The splendour of these weapons befitted their use in court festivities and ceremonial and their status as diplomatic gifts. The knight‘s sword, modified in the form of a rapier or dress sword, had become a prestigious fashion accessory in keeping with the increasingly luxurious clothing that was worn.

Foto von vier Dolchen
© SKD, Foto: Jürgen Karpinski
Pere Juan Poch, Vier Dolche zu Rapier-Garnituren, 1556-1575 Wien, Geschenke aus dem Kaiserhaus


Sponsored by: A. Lange & Söhne

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