Abdruck eine menschlichen Oberkörpers
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Thomas Seidel

Teresa Murak and the Brigandines of Elector Augustus of Saxony

Dialogue with the Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann

With “Leibmaske” (Body Mask), the performance and land artist Teresa Murak (b. 1949) has created a captivating representation of female physicality. Suspended as if floating in the room, this torso was formed from thousands of cress seeds which germinated on the body of the artist. It is thus the relic of one of Murak’s characteristic performative “sowings”.

  • DATES 14/08/2020—30/05/2021

[Translate to English:] Immer wieder

The gelatinous mass of seeds that later dried became a mask for the artist’s chest and abdomen. In her work, Murak continues to use organic materials such as soil, sourdough, cloth and seeds, linking herself through these materials with the processes of becoming and vanishing. Breaking in this way with the permanence that commonly appertains to the sculptures and torsi of Western art, she creates a representation of the human body that shares the body’s vulnerability and impermanence.

Abdruck eine menschlichen Oberkörpers
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: Thomas Seidel
Teresa Murak, Leibmaske, 1992 Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann

[Translate to English:] In der Rüstkammer

At the Rüstkammer in the Renaissance wing of the Dresden Residenzschloss, Murak’s work – appearing mystical here – is juxtaposed with representations of the body that are altogether different. The armours and brigandines from the posses-sions of Elector Augustus of Saxony form a counterconception to “Leibmaske”, not only due to their appearance: While the female body is seen as a naturally grown shape in a material that resembles earth — a body whose associations with softness and warmth remain present — the armours, precision-made from cool, hard metal, signify male bodies. They, too, are masks. In their sym-bolic effect, the contemporary artwork and the historical exhibits give rise to an opposition of key images of human existence — a confrontation of fertility and creative power with war and destruction.

Brigantinen des Kurfürsten August von Sachsen italienisch, Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts (vor 1567)
© Rüstkammer, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, Foto: Hans-Peter Klut
Brigantinen des Kurfürsten August von Sachsen italienisch, Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts (vor 1567)

[Translate to English:] Die Familie Hoffmann

A goal for the donated works of the Sammlung Hoffmann is to have them enter a dialogue with objects from the various museums of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, thereby opening up different perspectives and levels of meaning for both the contemporary and the historical exhibits.

To the Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann

[Translate to English:] weitere

Further Exhibitions
03/07/2020 —30/05/2021
zwei Handschuhe

Electoral Wardrobe

in Residenzschloss

11/03/2020 —30/11/2020

On the Way to Electoral Power

in Residenzschloss

aufwendig mit Edelsteinen verzierte Kopfbedeckung, darauf Engel und Heilige
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