Kirschkern mit Sündenfall, Arche Noah, Eherner Schlange und Kreuzigung Christi, um 1600
© SKD, Foto: Dirk Weber

THE WORD in images. Biblical Illustrations on Ceremonial Weapons and Objects of Art Owned by the Electors of Saxony in the Age of the Reformation

The exhibition will put emphasize on Torgau having been a major site of Reformation. Here not only Saxon Electors of the Ernestine line, but also those of the Albertine line took a stance. Moritz of Saxony held the wedding celebration of Duke August of Saxony and Anna of Denmark at Torgau and herewith supported the most important European alliance of Reformation.

  • Exhibition Site Schloss Hartenfles, Torgau
  • DATES 17/05/2015—02/11/2014


In accordance with their origin in the Dresden collections, objects on view mostly come from the possessions of the Albertine line. They show depictions from the Old and New Testament. Among the artefacts are ceremonial weapons, medals, a stone relief from the Dresden Royal Palace (Moritz wing), and objects from the treasure chamber as well as a splendid family altar for private worship.

Pistolen des Kurfürsten August von Sachsen, Meister mit der Krug-Marke, Augsburg, um 1560-1570
© SKD, Foto: Jürgen Karpinski
Pistolen des Kurfürsten August von Sachsen, Meister mit der Krug-Marke, Augsburg, um 1560-1570 Eisen, Holz, Bein, L. 55 cm


The personal arms of Elector August seem to outstand everything else, most importantly are the rapiers and daggers created by Torgau armourers. August and Anna as possessors and commissioners ordered objects decorated with a didactically iconographic program according to the bible that followed law and grace. It was executed in the finest chiseling with great craftsmanship and was meant as a personal commitment to Reformation. Luther editions of the Old and New Testament in German, psalter and Reformation Bible interpretations represent the written WORD in the exhibition. Two pip seeders testify to the consensus of Elector August with Martin Luther’s theological principle “Only with the Word” with the inscription “ERHALT UNS HER PEI DEINEM WORT” (Lord, keep us steadfast in your word).

Trabharnisch des Herzogs August von Sachsen in der Schlacht bei Mühlberg 1547
© SKD, Foto: Estel/Klut
Trabharnisch des Herzogs August von Sachsen in der Schlacht bei Mühlberg 1547 Peter von Speyer d. Ä. (1521 nachgewiesen-1569/62), Annaberg, 1546, Sturmhaube datiert: 1546, Eisen Gewicht: 26 kg


Die Publikation zur Sonderausstellung

Das Wort im Bild

Biblische Darstellungen an Prunkwaffen und Kunstgegenständen der Kurfürsten von Sachsen zur Reformationszeit (15,00 €, ISBN 978-3-95498-100-7)


in cooperation with:  Landkreis Nordsachsen; Torgau

This exhibition has been made possible by: Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien

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